
  • Lidia Astriana Universitas Tanjungpura
  • Regina Regina Universitas Tanjungpura
  • Yohanes Gatot Sutapa Yuliana Universitas Tanjungpura

Kata Kunci:

society 5.0, , policy,, educational strategies in the 21st


The upcoming era of education,"education 5.0," makes use of digital technology to lower learning obstacles, enhance teaching strategies, and enhance student welfare. To achieve more advantageous outcomes, the education sector must be aligned with general business modernization, industrial development, and technological advancement as part of the 21st-century education policies and plans that incorporate society 5.0. To create programs that leverage digital technology to promote well-being, collaboration, and personalized learning, educational policies require being implemented existence. With the goal fulfill the demands of the market, provide social services, and introduce innovative integration between the education sector and industries. Education 5.0 transforms the traditional education system into an academic environment. Efficient educational system that can adjust to future changes in society's demands, the concepts of "society 5.0" and "industry 5.0" seek to put people at the heart of technology advancement and digital transformation for the good of society of the industrial revolution.


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