Pre-Service Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Values on 21st Century Skills Mastery


  • Dedi Irwan



21st century, self-efficacy, prospective teachers


This research focuses on how the knowledge and values of prospective teachers in mastering skills in the 21st century, such as understanding and implementing 4C, Classroom Management, and mastering technology as a supporting medium in the teaching and learning process. The purpose of this study is to determine the Self-Efficacy of prospective teachers in the mastery of 21st century skills, as well as to determine the values of prospective teachers in mastering 21st century skills. Then the method used in this study is a quantitative descriptive method, which is a study to analyze data by describe or describe the data that has been collected. Technique of data collection that used in this research was questionnaire, and the technique of data analysis is statistic descriptive which used to analyze the data from the questionnaire, with the findings that prospective teachers assess that 21st century skills can be mastered and have excellent self-efficacy for these skills. It can be said that prospective teachers already have high self-efficacy and place values that are important for 21st century skills.


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How to Cite

Irwan, D. (2023). Pre-Service Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Values on 21st Century Skills Mastery. Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, 11(1), 239–257.