Peer Review Process

  1. Initial Submission Evaluation: Upon submission, all manuscripts are first evaluated by the editorial team. Manuscripts are checked for adherence to the journal's focus and scope, as well as compliance with formatting and ethical guidelines. Manuscripts that do not meet these basic criteria will be returned to the authors without further review.
  2. Plagiarism Check: Before being sent to reviewers, all manuscripts undergo a plagiarism check using appropriate software to ensure originality. Manuscripts with significant plagiarism issues will be rejected outright.
  3. Assignment of Reviewers: Manuscripts that pass the initial evaluation are then assigned to at least two independent reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. The selection of reviewers is based on their expertise and experience in the specific subject area of the manuscript.
  4. Double-Blind Review: SAINTEK follows a double-blind peer review process, meaning that both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous to each other. This ensures an unbiased and objective review process.
  5. Reviewer Evaluation: Reviewers are asked to evaluate the manuscript based on several criteria, including the originality of the research, the clarity of presentation, the soundness of the methodology, the significance of the results, and the appropriateness of the conclusions. Reviewers may recommend acceptance, minor revisions, major revisions, or rejection of the manuscript.
  6. Editorial Decision: Based on the reviewers' recommendations, the editor-in-chief or handling editor makes the final decision on the manuscript. The possible decisions are:
    • Accept: The manuscript is accepted as it is or with minor revisions.
    • Revise: The manuscript requires major revisions before it can be reconsidered for publication. The revised manuscript will be re-evaluated by the reviewers.
    • Reject: The manuscript is not suitable for publication in SAINTEK.
  7. Revision Process: If revisions are required, the authors are given a specified amount of time to revise the manuscript and resubmit it. The revised manuscript may be sent back to the original reviewers for further evaluation or may be evaluated by the editorial team.
  8. Final Decision and Publication: Once the manuscript meets all the necessary requirements, and the revisions (if any) are deemed satisfactory, the final decision is made, and the manuscript is accepted for publication. The manuscript then undergoes copyediting, formatting, and proofing before being published online.
  9. Post-Publication: After publication, the manuscript is available online as open access. Authors are encouraged to promote their work, and readers can engage with the content through comments or by reaching out to the authors.
  10. Average Time from Submission to Publication: The peer review process to publication in Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika dan Sains typically takes an average of 3 to 6 months, depending on the speed of revisions and responses from the authors.

This peer review process ensures the quality and integrity of the articles published in Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika dan Sains (SAINTEK).