About the Journal

The Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika dan Sains (e-ISSN: 2407-1536 | p-ISSN: 2089-2802) is a scientific, peer-reviewed and open-access journal published by IKIP PGRI Pontianak, which is a dissemination medium for research result from scientists and engineers in many fields of science and technology. This journal is a biannual journal issued in June and December. It has been indexed in SINTA 3 (Accredited Journal, Decree No.148/E/KPT/2020) by Director General of Strengthening Research and Development, Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia in 2020. The indexing status will be active until 2024.

The editors welcome submissions of papers describing recent theoretical and experimental research related to Theoretical articles, Empirical studies, Practice-oriented papers, Case studies, Review of papers, books, and resources.

Focus and scope for Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika dan Sains can be seen detailed in here.

Current Issue

Vol. 12 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika dan Sains
Published: 2023-12-31


  • Pengembangan tes keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik pada materi getaran harmonis di SMA

    Siti Aisyah, Judyanto Sirait, Hamdani Hamdani
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31571/saintek.v12i2.6430
  • Hubungan kemampuan penalaran matematis dan pemecahan masalah matematika materi matrik terhadap prestasi belajar

    Wildan Wildan, Sugeng Sutiarso, Rangga Firdaus; Ari Suningsih
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31571/saintek.v12i2.6678
  • Pengembangan video profil dwibahasa untuk promosi wisata daerah di Kabupaten Landak

    Antonius Setyawan Sugeng Nur Agung, Efrika Siboro, Epipania Jumarliati, Rosalia Dewi, Yolanda Maranatha, Saho Mamuraja
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31571/saintek.v12i2.4696
  • Peningkatan keterampilan argumentasi peserta didik melalui metode socratic dialogue submateri perubahan lingkungan kelas X SMAN 5 Pontianak

    Anggi Dwi Pratiwi, Eko Sri Wahyuni, Dodi Juniardi
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31571/saintek.v12i2.5826
  • Analisis kemampuan mahasiswa menyelesaikan Tes Kompetensi Representasi Gaya (TKR-Gaya)

    Judyanto Sirait
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31571/saintek.v12i2.7260
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